Friday, February 12, 2016

God's Faithfulness: The Story Behind My Daughter's Life: Part 4

This is the story behind my daughter's life. My testimony...

but please first read Part 1Part 2 and Part 3

Throughout this entire time, I still believed God for his faithfulness and I never doubted that he would give us a daughter.  I questioned whether there was something wrong with my body, but I never questioned God, so in faith I still bought baby girl clothes and things I wanted in her nursery.  The doctors had told us to wait at least six months, after my second miscarriage, before we began trying again, and that's what we did.  We got pregnant and this pregnancy was progressing normally; I got my ultrasounds and they gave me a July 2013 due date.  I had the usual morning sickness and fatigue, but nothing out of the ordinary.  The one thing that I did notice was that my morning sickness did not last long. At thirteen weeks I should have still been sick, but it had stopped a few weeks earlier but I had no complaints about that!

 I was in the process of praising God for taking my morning sickness away, when I started bleeding. of course I cried, but this time was definitely different from the previous time.  I called my husband at work, he met me at the hospital where they once again confirmed that I had lost my baby but that I had been measuring more like ten weeks instead of thirteen. I asked the nurse and she told me that the baby had probably died a couple weeks earlier and my body was now rejecting it and that's when it hit me, after my second miscarriage the doctor had also told me that I was measuring ten weeks instead of thirteen and it reminded me that the Lord had spoken to me and told me that the baby had died before I actually miscarried.

So we continued on with our lives, living in hope, waiting for our daughter.  Late August 2013, as I lay in bed, the Lord gave me a vision: I saw a little girl on top of a grassy hill, swinging on a swing.  I didn't really think anything of it, I actually thought the vision was for someone else.  On October 1, I woke up just wanting to be in the presence of the Lord, worshiping him, so I went into my family room and began to worship. At the end of my worship, The Lord spoke to me, clearer than I have ever heard him speak to me before ( It was a voice, not an impression on my heart). He said "It's time for the promise" and I immediately knew what he meant as I was reminded of  those knitted pink baby mittens that I was given over two years earlier.  Immediately after I heard the Lord's voice, and I mean immediately, I got nauseous.  I crawled into bed and my husband asked me what was wrong and I told him that I thought I had a  stomach bug. I was nauseous for an entire week before I finally believed that I was in fact pregnant.

I was speaking to a friend and she asked me if my husband and I had been trying for a baby and I told her "yes" and she told me that there was life in my wombs.  I went to my doctor and she confirmed that I was pregnant and from that moment I had a conviction, if you will, a certainty, an assurance that I would not miscarry with this pregnancy; that I had heard the Lord right, and that I would have my baby girl.

Our baby girl was scheduled for July 24, but on July 17, 2014 without any warning baby girl came a week early as if to say, "you've waited long enough, here I am".  she came quickly (within nineteen minutes of us getting to the hospital), and she was received with love and a heart of thanksgiving to the Lord for his faithfulness and for blessing us with such an amazing gift of life.

Whenever the Lord speaks to me, he always confirms what he has said in some way or another. The Lord promised us our baby girl on September 8, 2011 and on September 8, 2015, baby girl officially walked!

Psalm 18:6 reads: " In my distress I called to the LORD; I cried to my God for help. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came before him, into his ears".

I love the Lord because even in my frustrations he saw my frailed heart and he heard my cries and in his loving kindness he answered me. I love him because his words to me that night when I cried out to him for answers gave my weary heart rest. I love the Lord for many reasons, but it's his faithfulness that always seem to captivate me. The journey was not what I had expected, but God remained faithful through it all.

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