Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Optical Illusions

Remember when we broke the Internet?...no? Well let me remind you.  Remember when everyone and their mamas were trying to figure out the color of a dress?  Are you starting to remember now...?  Remember the controversy, the headache, the ruined friendships this situation caused ( I wonder if anyone did really lose a friend over that)? We as a nation, as a world could not figure out whether the dress was white and gold or blue and black....yes you remember now!  Well the same thing has happened again, except this time the controversy is between me, myself, and I.

I went to Walmart and I saw this beautiful fabric.

It had a behive pattern with a very subtle shimmer.  It was very soft and had a slight stretch. It had a beautiful rich navy blue color to it, it was beautiful, and at $1.50 a yard, I had to have it.  I imagined the many things that I could do with it; curtains for my boy's room? Wrapping furniture with it?  I was beyond excited, that is, until I got home.  The white and gold dresses had in fact been black and blue.  What was suppose to be a beautiful rich blue fabric had in fact just been black.  I almost cried! Don't get me wrong I love the black, but something changed in me when the fabric "changed" color. I know what you're thinking, navy blue and black are not as big a deal as the white/ gold, blue/ black controversy.  Yes you are completely right, but you may also be completely wrong. (Can one be completely right and completely wrong at the same time)?  

My eyes completely failed me! I don't know if I can ever rely on them again? Are you starting to see the gravity of this problem? What other things have I been wrong about?  Are my kitchen walls really red? ( yes they are girl!... Pictures coming soon).  Is the sky really blue?  Maybe it's really green!  Ok, ok maybe not! I'm being just a tad neurotic but that's ok, I'll be fine in a couple hours when I look at the fabric again and realize I didn't love it for its "color" alone.  So now new adventures begin. What will I do with this fabric? Maybe I'll cover my headboard, maybe I'll make curtains...yes maybe curtains!  I'll let you guys know what I decide.

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